
July 01, 2012

Photo Essay: San Diego Botanic Garden

It's been a year since I've been down to San Diego. I was eager to return to the San Diego County Fair this year, but considering my impending unemployment and the fact that my last day at work wasn't actually my last day, I had to manage both a limited budget and limited time for this trip.

So I decided to not actually really go down into San Diego - at least not very far - and pretty much stay in the underexplored North County region for the weekend.

My first stop: San Diego Botanic Garden.

This beautiful red lily is called "Hot Lips."

Compared to some of the other Southern California botanic gardens, it's an interesting one, with areas dedicated to plants from Mexico, Madagascar, the Canary Islands, and Australia/New Zealand, as well as its own bamboo garden and subtropical fruit garden.

See Also:
Desert Garden

Related Reading:
Photo Essay: Los Angeles Arboretum
Photo Essay: Descanso Gardens & Trail

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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures!
    Really loved all the colors and textures that you picked to photograph!
